Tuesday 7 September 2010

alton towers and life.

went to alton towers with claire from collage yesterday. it was alot of fun but i cant help in thinking that they are just trying even more to squeeze money out of you. before you even get in the place its £5 to park and £15 if you want to park near. that is purely to make money because there is no extra staff. then as you are going in you go on the monorail. now i can never remember them having adverts as you are on the monorail.

we were rather early so we decided to go 13 and be first in the que. waited till 10:00 when it opened and then they let us on. front seats. now they could have let us in at 9:55 because it took 5 mins to walk down the quing path.

now 13. alton towers have been  claiming that it will push you mentally and physically. no. its good but it isn't a nemesis. its not as bad as people have been making out but alton towers should have marketed it differently.

now after a few more rides we went on the sky lift ride to get to air/nemesis ect. now even when your on the skylift there advertising to you. i wonder how many people have thought of stopping in the hotel just because they have been barked at through a speaker. its just money money money. now as you que for nemesis air and all the others its advertise advertise advertise.

all in all it was an awesome and fun day but they need to stop with the advertising and let us enjoy are selves.

my new blog is out. it is not as bad as it sounds trust me

Bamber out!

Saturday 28 August 2010

another 2 weeks

From now on i am going to post more for the hell of it XD
And a new blog out soon. Things to do when you are bored on the loo (its not as bad as it sounds) (honest)

2 more weeks have gone. Holidays are fun but tend to eat into your social life and friendship. The thing which has made these 2 weeks bearable on the park resort is the pub from the campsite across the road which served black sheep bitter (one of ma favourites) and half-decent entertainment. The holiday consisted of beach, shopping with some and I mean only some interesting parts e.g. going on a speedboat or long cliff walks.

Next year I am going to go to bbss if it don’t clash with g and s. my lip feels dead at the moment.

And there will be more ranting in the next blog post

Bye everyone


Sunday 9 May 2010

busy busy busy


today i was playing for the 2nd day of the may queen and i have decided that i officially do to much,

the past week as been busy for me. 

Monday was my only free day which i am glad for because  i managed to catch up with my friends from school which i feel i have been neglecting because i have been at collage and lots of bands.

Tuesday was Maria's birthday so pizza Band and beer. 

Wednesday was band. starting to get the drift of my life?

Thursday didn't go to band because of the general election. we voted then walked to the lovely fox tavern which was a lovely walk with my family and i hope to do more walks.

Friday i was at the charity shop through out the day which was fun because Alan was on his best behaviour. then in the evening it was wind band and i enjoyed the brass sectional. had some good laughs. then afterwards was swimming teaching and then point score. lots of fun.

then the weekend which you would have thought was rest time for me but it is not. Saturday went may queen then swimming then Tintwistle job. i couldn't feel my lips afterwords. 

then on Sunday assignment work all day then the 2nd half of the may queen. i am ready to collapse now but still not tired. my sleeping patterns are terrible. 

1. i do way to much band but i love it
2. election was crap stupid Conservatives
3. need to try to sleep.

night night all

Alan Bamber

welcome to my world!

Thursday 21 January 2010

2010 gona be an "epic" year!

this year should be a good year but epic. probebly not. it is the big 18 though. i will leagly be able to drink. im now learning to drive. in in a red mini cooper. what class. but still not sure if i will be able to afford to drive cuz i have no job cuz there is non going cuz of the stupid goverment :(. taxes will go up cuz the goverment screwed up again. well the banks screwed up and then the goverment were thick. stupid people.

i joined another brass band last year so now im in chapel, thornsett and tinwistle. yes tintwistle!!! 2nd section. im going up in the world. since last time i started my collage course at the uni of derby buxton in the dome! i love it!!!

so yea. will try and update with ma point of view monthly but probebly not cuz i dont have the time!!!