Sunday 9 May 2010

busy busy busy


today i was playing for the 2nd day of the may queen and i have decided that i officially do to much,

the past week as been busy for me. 

Monday was my only free day which i am glad for because  i managed to catch up with my friends from school which i feel i have been neglecting because i have been at collage and lots of bands.

Tuesday was Maria's birthday so pizza Band and beer. 

Wednesday was band. starting to get the drift of my life?

Thursday didn't go to band because of the general election. we voted then walked to the lovely fox tavern which was a lovely walk with my family and i hope to do more walks.

Friday i was at the charity shop through out the day which was fun because Alan was on his best behaviour. then in the evening it was wind band and i enjoyed the brass sectional. had some good laughs. then afterwards was swimming teaching and then point score. lots of fun.

then the weekend which you would have thought was rest time for me but it is not. Saturday went may queen then swimming then Tintwistle job. i couldn't feel my lips afterwords. 

then on Sunday assignment work all day then the 2nd half of the may queen. i am ready to collapse now but still not tired. my sleeping patterns are terrible. 

1. i do way to much band but i love it
2. election was crap stupid Conservatives
3. need to try to sleep.

night night all

Alan Bamber
welcome to my world!